Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
The warmest of welcomes to the Year 3 pages of our school website. Here you will find out about all of the exciting learning opportunities happening in both the Year 3 classes. In addition, we will also share key information including our routines and expectations so that you can help your child to be ready for all of the learning and opportunities in Year 3. We are very excited to get to know your child and to working in partnership with you. .
Introducing the Year 3 Teaching Team
Our Year 3 class names have been carefully selected and named after trees that symbolise strength, wisdom and knowledge.
Juniper – Miss Cook (PPA provided by Mrs Mair on Fridays)
Elm – Mrs McClive and Mrs Shattock (PPA provided by Mrs Partridge on Monday and Thursday afternoons)
Mrs Partridge, Mrs Bradbury, Miss Campling-Brown, Mrs Dalton, Mrs Evans, Miss Czerwinke and Mrs Riley will be supporting in class.
As a team, we are looking forward to working with your children and are excited to share their journey with you. If you have any questions or non-urgent messages, please make contact through the year group email. For urgent messages, please contact the school office.
Our Routines and Organisation
PE - Thursdays and Fridays
Reading books and records returned - Wednesday
Class Poetry Journal given and returned - Monday
Class Teachers will allocate book colours and books to the children. It is not an ‘exact science’ and we hope the children enjoy the books that they are reading. We particularly hope that 95% or more of the words that they are reading in their books are readable. Do let us know in your child's reading record, how they are finding each of the texts, discussing questions with them in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding.
We encourage the children to read daily at home (ideally for ten minutes per day) and we hope that they really enjoy this.
If your child is reading orange, turquoise, purple or non-fiction gold books, please can they read the book 3 times. This is a new development in reading as research suggests that reading the same book three times (or more) before moving on to a new book really helps a child’s decoding, fluency and comprehension.
We suggest that the first time that they read their book, they use this opportunity to decode and discuss unfamiliar words. The focus for the second time the child reads is fluency and expression as they will (hopefully) be more familiar with the words. The third read can then be used to discuss the book and, if possible, ask your child some questions about the books and discuss it to help their comprehension. We hope this makes sense and helps.
If you have any questions, please let us know via Study Bugs or pop to see us after school.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Times Tables
We hope your children are enjoying learning their times tables. Our aim is that the children will know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4 and earlier than that if possible. We aim to get them there with daily practice in school and as much practice outside of school as possible (four times per week). We aim to make it fun, enjoyable and engaging.
Our aim by the end of Year 3 is that children know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 11 times tables. To support this, children have access to a Times Tables Rock Stars account where the children have be set varying times table facts weekly. Here your child will be able to practise their times tables in a fun and engaging way.
Please let your child's class teacher know if there are any issues with logging onto this website.
Resources to support Times Tables:
Times Table Rock Stars TTRS - a fabulous way to practise times tables and earn coins. Please pop in and see your teacher anytime if you have misplaced your login
When you are asked to type in the school postcode either type 'Whiteoak' or BS48 4YZ and The Whiteoak Academies will be there to select in a drop down menu.
We have embarked on an exciting new journey with teaching and learning spellings. Research suggests that the ‘old school’ way of learning spellings with children taking home spellings to learn and then being tested on them the following week is not the best way to help children get a firm grasp of how to spell the thousands of words in the English language.
Both schools are now undertaking a new way of teaching spelling following a programme devised by the spellings Guru Jane Considine. This has worked brilliantly in other schools and we are excited to bring this to our schools.
Children will no longer bring spellings home to learn them and then be tested on them the following week. Instead children will learn word and spellings patterns over a two week period in a number of fun, engaging and investigative ways. A huge emphasis is placed on helping children to (hopefully) foster a love of words, vocabulary and spellings. A large part of the teaching involves the class and teacher working together to find fun and creative ways to ‘make the spellings stick’ and then, once they have secured the understanding of the spellings pattern, we look for associated words and be word detectives and ‘grapheme grafters’. There will still be fun quizzes of the words to help teachers to support children with these spellings.