School Nursing Services
School Nursing Services are provided by Sirona Healthcare.
Flu Immunisations Autumn 2024/25
The school nursing team will be in school on Thursday 7th November to administer the flu nasal vaccine. Parents will need to give their consent via the link in the Sirona letter to parents. Please see details in the letter below as well as the Sirona letter of assurance.
Sirona Flu e-consent letter to parents
Yr R and Yr 6 National Child Measurement Programme
Each year the School Nursing Team come into school to complete height and weight checks on the Reception and Year 6 children as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. Please see further details in the letter below. This letter also gives you the choice to opt out of having your child take part in the programme.
Yr R & Yr 6 National Child Measurement Programme
Welcome Information for parents/carers of children starting in Reception Sept 2024.