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Pupil Premium

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

~ Nelson Mandela ~

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium (PP) is a grant received by each school in England for every child who is registered for Free School Meals or is ‘Looked after’ or adopted. Each school in The Whiteoak Academies receives an additional £1455 – £2530 from the Government to support the learning for these pupils. This additional money is called ‘Pupil Premium Funding’ and is used in our family of schools to directly help children make accelerated progress in English and Maths and ensure that these pupils are not at a disadvantage. Further Government information on Pupil Premium can be found here.

What is Service Pupil Premium?

Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is a grant received by each school in England for every child who has a parent or parents currently serving or have recently served, in the Armed Forces. The Service Pupil Premium exists for schools to provide mainly pastoral support for service children, whereas the Pupil Premium (PP) was introduced to raise attainment and accelerate progress. Each school in The Whiteoak Academies receives an additional £335 from the Government to provide pastoral support for these pupils. Further Government information on Service Pupil Premium can be found here.

Pupil Premium at The Whiteoak Academies:

The Staff and Governors of The Whiteoak Academies are committed to ensuring that the provision across our family of schools enables accelerated progress in English and Maths and ensures that no pupils are at a disadvantage. Mrs Abby Murray is our Inclusion Lead and Pupil Premium Governor. Mrs Rachel McClive is our Pupil Premium Champion. 

Mrs Murray, Mrs McClive, our Governors and our staff team are committed to ensuring every child has the opportunity to succeed in all aspects of school life, by strategically using the Pupil Premium grant to close the gap between pupil groups. Pupil Premium is not a 'personal lump sum' allocated to each child. The grant is used across each school at The Whiteoak Academies, to support the needs of all of our eligible children. This means the children receive the support they need, when they need it. Through targeted interventions and support we are working to remove barriers to learning and improve individual pupils progress.

How can my child access the Pupil Premium grant?

For your child to be able to access the Pupil Premium grant you must be eligible under a list of set criteria or be a carer or adoptive parent. Further information and how to apply can be found in the letter to parents and carers at the bottom of this page.

The Whiteoak Academies Statutory DFE Pupil Premium Strategy Statement:


Lighthouse Schools Partnership (LSP) Disadvantaged Strategy 2020-2023: