Positive Playtimes
Therese Hoyle wrote the following in her recent blog, on her own website:
"In October last year, Therese Hoyle had the pleasure of returning to Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors, who have been working with us on the Positive Playtime Award Programme since January 2023.
It brings me immense pride to commend the dedication of the students and staff who have worked tremendously hard to transform their lunchtimes and playtimes. I am delighted to announce that on the 18th October 2023, they received The Positive Playtime Award, which is a true testament to their achievements.
“At the start of 2023, we began a programme to enrich and enhance our children’s play through the Positive Playtime Award training programme with Therese Hoyle, author of 101 Playtime Games and founder of Flourishing Schools and Positive Playtimes." - Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors Newsletter
Hannah More and the Grove’s vision has been to significantly strengthen and develop playtime experiences so that all children can thrive and flourish.
Duncan Cook, the Headteacher was struck by the fact that children spend 20% of their school day in the playground.
Duncan and staff know the value and significance of fostering Positive Playtime experiences and recognise its pivotal role in promoting children's physical and emotional health and well-being, as well as enhancing their overall enjoyment and engagement in school.
"Following our training, we then set about enhancing and enriching our playtime provision so that every child has a rich breadth of opportunities to have a happy playtime, every day, thus enabling them to thrive and become the very best they can be." - Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors Newsletter
Hannah More and the Grove are actively cultivating a more active and inclusive playground, they have now implemented various initiatives which include:
- Zoned areas
- Game of the week
- Craze of the week
- Role play area
- Quiet Zone
- Friendship Zone
- Construction zone
Additionally, they have upgraded their play equipment and the year 6 students now have a vital role as Playground Activity Leaders (PALS). The PALS encourage active games, support the craze of the week and look after younger children, giving them a real sense of responsibility.
Their outdoor play provision is truly outstanding and it is wonderful to see them providing enriching play experiences for everyone and meeting all children's needs. This may be the best and only play experience, some children get.
"As a result of this significant body of work, I am delighted to share with you that we have now been assessed and awarded the Positive Playtime Award" - Headmaster, Duncan Cook
Congratulations and well done for your outstanding work and dedication to creating Positive Playtimes and for achieving the Positive Playtime Award. "
The whole blog can be found here on Therese Hoyle's website.