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North Somerset Council Offer

If a family or child need support that requires specialist expertise the school can make a referral via the North Somerset Early 'FRONT DOOR' Team.  The school has staff experienced in accessing Early Help and they will support our families through every stage.  This is a referral that is made with full consent and family co-operation.  It is not linked to Social Services and is an entirely voluntary process.  Further information can be found on the links below and from the leaflet for parents.

Early Help

North Somerset Online Directory
Support offered by North Somerset Council

The support that can be accessed via North Somerset Early Help:

* Parenting courses.

* Financial support and advice.

* Family Wellbeing Services.

* Health and wellbeing.

* Education and attainment.

* Employment and training.

* Family Support Workers.

* Support with crime and anti social behaviour.

* Support with domestic violence.

January 2024 - North Somerset Early Help Newsletter.



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