Information for Volunteer Helpers
- Welcome Letter
- DfE guidance - 'keeping children safe in education: information for all school and college staff'.
Please read and familiarise yourself with the following documents:
- Whiteoak Volunteer Helper Policy 2022-25
- LSP Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2024-25
- LSP Code of Conduct Policy
- LSP Data-Protection-Policy
- LSP Health and Safety Policy Statement Section 1
Please download and complete the following forms and return them to the School Administration Team
- Appendix 1 Volunteer Helper Self-Declaration 2024-25
- Appendix 2 Acceptable Use Agreement 2024-25
- Appendix 3 Childcare Disqualification Form 2024-25
Information for Returning Volunteer Helpers
- Returning Volunteers Welcome Back Letter September 24
- Annual Declaration for returning volunteers September 2024