How we monitor and evaluate our SEND provision
Monitoring and evaluating our SEND provision is key to ensuring that we offer high quality teaching and learning to our pupils. The Executive Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team regularly monitor and evaluate the quality of provision for all pupils and SEND pupils are always included within that cycle. The SENCO also conducts additional monitoring and evaluation, explicitly for our pupils with SEND, the results of which are shared with all staff and Governors.
The Whiteoak Academies is part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership (LSP) and as such the school works closely with the LSP SEND Network to share expertise and 'Good Practice' across the Trust. The LSP SEND Network collaboratively plan and reflect on effective practice in SEND and provide consistency of provision across their schools. One example of this consistency in provision is that all LSP schools aim to use interventions from a pre-agreed published list that have proven outcomes and are evidence based. This list was complied by the LSP SEND Network after evaluating and reflecting upon the EEF guidance.
Monitoring the impact and effectiveness of SEND provision on the progress and outcomes for children on the SEND register, in our family of schools, is set out clearly in our SEND policy in Section 10, Page 7. In summary, it is monitored through:
• analysis of pupil tracking data and test results at pupil progress meetings and SEN surgeries held with SLT and the SENCO.
• progress against national data and based on their age and starting points.
• interventions baseline and exit data.
• progress against individual outcomes set on a pupil's IEP, tracking small steps of progress.
• robust evaluation of policy and practice (in staff and Governor meetings).
• SENCO/SLT/Governor monitoring.
• staff Appraisal meetings.
• parent questionnaires.
• learning walks and observations of lessons and interventions.
• pupils’ work in 'book looks' and 'pupil voice' interviews.
The SEND Governors are responsible for:
• monitoring the effective implementation of the SEND policy.
• liaising bi-termly with the SENCO.
• reporting to the governing body on SEND.
• ensuring that pupils with SEND participate fully in school activities.