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Cognition and Learning

This area of need encompasses learning difficulties of all kinds.  For example, your child may have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, or they may have a moderate (MLD) or severe learning difficulty (SLD) such as Global Developmental Delay.  These difficulties may impact their academic progress.

Your child may already be receiving support from an Educational Psychologist or from a specialist Dyslexia Centre.  If this is the case they may have already completed a Dyslexia screener or completed a full Dyslexia Assessment.  If your child has been assessed as having Dyslexia, as having Dyslexic tendencies or as having a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) or if you have concerns about your child in regard to potential Dyslexia, please get in touch with the SENDCo; Mrs Abby Murray. 

The Whiteoak Academies provide "Dyslexia Friendly" classroom environments to benefit all our pupils and to support learning for all.

Further information about Dyslexia can be found on the website link below.

  • NHS Information on Dyslexia

  • NESSYE-Book explaining Dyslexia





Hannah More Infants and Grove Junior Schools are not responsible for the content of these websites but have chosen reputable websites that are used commonly by professionals to support SEND.  Hannah More Infants and Grove Junior Schools accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted or contracted via any websites that may be listed on or accessed from hyperlinks on