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Preventing radicalisation

Children can be exposed to different views and receive information from various sources. Some of these views may be considered radical or extreme.

Radicalisation is the process through which a person comes to support or be involved in extremist ideologies. It can result in a person becoming drawn into terrorism and is in itself a form of harm.

Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

With increasing concerns about radicalisation of young people we need to actively challenge extremist views and prevent young people being drawn into terrorism. Keeping children safe from harm includes keeping them safe from extreme ideologies and behaviours.  If you would like to find out more, 'EDUCATE AGAINST HATE' is a website recently launched by Nicky Morgan as a tool for parents and schools to help protect children from the risk of radicalisation. You can access the new site here.

In school, we must be aware of the potential influences of extremist ideology and the risks of radicalisation. This means knowing the children we work with well, the dynamics of peer groups, their families and the local community.

We do this by

  • Developing positive relationships with children so that we know them well and can spot any changes in behaviour or attitude.
  • Developing a sense of belonging to the school community by providing a wide range of opportunities for children to participate and contribute, such as
    • Democratically elected School Council
    • Clubs and teams
    • Supporting Charities
    • WOWSA events
  • Through our PSHE curriculum, JIGSAW, children discuss feelings and opinions in a safe environment including attitudes towards others, including equality and discrimination, diversity, respect, and tolerance
  • Having a focus on British values throughout our curriculum (see more information in the curriculum section of our website)
  • Topical assemblies weekly that look at current and global events
  • Teaching children how about e-safety through our computing curriculum
  • Working with our families in a variety of ways
  • Liaising with outside agencies to support our work in keeping children safe
  • Ensuring our staff have regular training including an annual "Safeguarding Refresher" and "Prevent Training" every 3 three years.

If you have any concerns about a child or adult within the community please talk to a member of staff. If you do not wish to talk to a member of staff you can contact ONE FRONT DOOR - North Somerset Council Directly on 01275 888211 or in an emergency please call 999.