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At the Whiteoak Academies of Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors, we aim to create an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of great learning. Everyone in our family of schools is encouraged and expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to support others to do the same.

We are a caring school family and our vision and aims have been developed to reflect our school motto, Planting Dreams. Nurturing Hearts. Growing Minds. and to help promote an ethos and atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected so that they can grow to be the very best that they can be.

Our School Rules

At the Whiteoak Academies, we aim to realise our vision by providing a happy, healthy and secure environment where all are respected, valued and encouraged to contribute.

As a school, we have developed three clear and simple school rules: We are Ready, We are Respectful and We are Safe so that all members of our family of schools can work and play together in a caring and supportive way and everyone feels happy, safe and secure.

Our Behaviour Policy

As well as our clear and consistent school rules, we have developed a behaviour policy with the primary aim of promoting respectful behaviour and positive relationships between everyone in our family of schools. This has been developed by our staff team and approved by our governing body, and is available to download from our policies page in Key Information.

Positive Handling

The term ‘positive handling’ includes a wide range of supportive strategies for managing challenging behaviour. A clear and consistent positive handling policy supports all children, including those with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, within an ethos of mutual respect, care and safety.

Staff have a duty to intervene in order to:

  • prevent children from hurting themselves or others – keeping everyone safe,
  • prevent or reduce damage to property,
  • maintain good order and discipline,

Furthermore, the school takes seriously its duty of care to children, employees and visitors to the school.

  • The first and paramount consideration is the welfare of the children in our care.
  • The second is the welfare and protection of the adults who look after them.

Staff will be trained to look after students in their care and aim to focus on de-escalation techniques wherever possible. If a member of staff ever needs to intervene physically they will follow our positive handling and safe touch policy, alongside our School Behaviour Policy.